California Citrus Nursery Board

Research Reports

California Citrus Nursery Board


2023 Contract Agreements by Agreement/Contract ID

ALB-23 - signed (PDF, < 2 MB)

BOW-23 - signed (PDF, < 2 MB)

ELK VID-23B - signed (PDF, < 1 MB)

ELK-23 - signed (PDF, < 1 MB)

JIN-23 - signed (PDF, < 1 MB)

LAU-23B - signed (PDF, < 1 MB)

LAV-23 - signed (PDF, < 2 MB)

QUI-23 - signed (PDF, < 2 MB)

VID-23 - signed (PDF, < 1 MB)


Vidalakis & Osman - Implementation and streamlining of the newly developed high throughput diagnostic system for citrus nurseries registration (PDF, < 1 MB)

Lavagi-Craddock - Optimizing the timing and plant introduction of Transmissible small nuclear RNAs (TsnRNAs) for dwarfed citrus (PDF, < 1 MB)

Vidalakis - Citrus Nursery Stock Pest Cleanliness Program-Annual Research, Troubleshoot and Program Review Period (PDF, < 1 MB)

Grafton-Cardwell - Annual citrus tristeza virus index at the University of California Lindcove Research & Extension Center (PDF, < 1 MB)

Vidalakis - Staff Research Associate (SRA) position based at the Citrus Clonal Protection Program - Lindcove Foundation Facility (CCPP-LFF) (PDF, < 1 MB)

Brar -Effect of Different Photoperiod and LED Lighting Regimes on The Growth and Physiology of Containerized Citrus Nursery Trees (PDF, < 2 MB)


Brar - Overcoming citrus nursery growth issues by using Smart Lighting with Different Photoperiods (PDF, < 1 MB)

Yokomi - Improved sensitive detection of the HLB pathogen by new gene primers for real time and droplet digital PCR (PDF, < 1 MB)

Grafton-Cardwell - Annual citrus tristeza virus index at the University of California Lindcove Research & Extension Center (PDF, < 1 MB)

Lavagi & Vidalakis - Proposal of Research - Optimizing the timing and plant introduction of Transmissible small nuclear RNAs (TsnRNAs) for dwarfed citrus (PDF, < 1 MB)

Vidalakis & Osman - Implementation and streamlining of the newly developed high throughput diagnostic system for citrus nurseries registration (PDF, < 1 MB)

Vidalakis - Citrus Nursery Stock Pest Cleanliness Program-Annual Research, Troubleshoot and Program Review Period (PDF, < 1 MB)


Vidalakis - Citrus Nursery Stock Pest Cleanliness Program-Annual Research, Troubleshoot and Program Review Period (DOC, < 1MB)

Yokomi - Improved sensitive detection of the HLB pathogen by new gene primers for real time and droplet digital PCR (PDF, < 1MB)

McCollum - Early detection of Huanglongbing (HLB) in nursery trees following infestation with Asian citrus psyllid (PDF, < 1MB)

Grafton-Cardwell - Annual citrus tristeza virus index at the University of California Lindcove Research & Extension Center (DOC, < 2MB)

Lavagi & Vidalakis - Optimizing the timing and plant introduction of Transmissible small nuclear RNAs (TsnRNAs) for dwarfed citrus (DOC, < 1MB)

Lieth & Putri - Optimization of citrus nursery production in screened houses (PDF, < 2MB)

Vidalakis & Osman - Implementation and streamlining of the newly developed high throughput diagnostic system for citrus nurseries registration Year 5 of 5 (DOC, < 4MB)


Vidalakis - Citrus Nursery Stock Pest Cleanliness Program-Annual Research, Troubleshoot and Program Review Period (PDF, < 1MB)

Ramadugu - Development of rapid, field-deployable diagnostic assays for detection of all species of huanglongbing-associated Liberibacters Year 2 Progress Report (DOC, < 2MB)

McCollum - Update - Ft Pierce (DOC, < 1MB)

Grafton-Cardwell - Annual citrus tristeza virus index at the University of California Lindcove Research & Extension Center (DOC, < 2MB)

Lieth - Optimization of citrus nursery production in screened houses (PDF, < 5MB)


Ramadugu - Development of rapid, field-deployable diagnostic assays for detection of all species of huanglongbing-associated Liberibacters Year 1 Progress Report (DOC, < 4MB)

McCollum - Progress - Ft Pierce (DOC, < 1MB)

Lieth - Optimization of citrus nursery production in screened houses (PDF, < 2MB)

Vidalakis & Osman - Implementation and streamlining of the newly developed high throughput diagnostic system for citrus nurseries registration (PDF, < 1MB)

Vidalakis - Citrus Nursery Stock Pest Cleanliness Program-Annual Research, Troubleshoot and Program Review Period (PDF, < 1MB)


Yokomi - Final Report of a Two-Year Project, Development of a TaqMan Array Plate for Multiplex Detection of Citrus Pathogens by Real-Time PCR from a Single Sample (PDF, < 1MB)

Pagliaccia - Advancing and elucidating the diagnosis of citrus stubborn disease using Spiroplasma citri-secreted proteins with direct tissue blot, ELISA, PCR, and microscopy based techniques (DOC, < 4MB)

Grafton-Cardwell - Annual citrus tristeza virus index at the University of California Lindcove Research & Extension Center (DOC, < 2MB)

Lee - Early detection of huanglongbing (HLB) in nursery trees following infestation with Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) (DOC, < 1MB)

Tricoli, Godfrey, Orbanosky, Morgan - Micropropagation of Curry Tree from Seed and Nodal Explants (PDF, < 1MB)

Vidalakis & Osman - Implementation and streamlining of the newly developed high throughput diagnostic system for citrus nurseries registration (PDF, < 1MB)


Vidalakis, Wang, Osman - The Future of the Cooperative Registration Program of Nursery Owned Citrus Source Trees Final Report (PDF, < 1MB)

Yokomi - Progress Report for 2013, Development of a TaqMan Array Plate for Multiplex Detection of Citrus Pathogens by Real-Time PCR from a single sample (PDF, < 1MB)

Godfrey - Progress and Final Report for Micropropagation of Curry Tree for Nursery Sales and Production of Natural Enemies of the Asian Citrus Psyllid (PDF, < 1MB)

Grafton-Cardwell - Annual citrus tristeza virus index at the University of California Lindcove Research & Extension Center (DOC, < 1MB)

Lee - Mini-plant indexing: Development of protocols to use very young plants for biological indexing (DOC, < 1MB)

Lee & Kermane - Workshop on 30 minute detection of HLB and validation of the assay with industry cooperators (DOC, < 1MB)


Vidalakis & Osman - The Future of the Cooperative Registration Program of Nursery Owned Citrus Source Trees (DOC, < 1MB)

Grafton-Cardwell - Annual citrus tristeza virus index at the Lindcove Research & Research & Extension Center, 2012 Report, 2013 Proposal (PDF, < 1MB)

Lee - Mini-plant indexing: Development of protocols to use very young plants for biological indexing (DOC, < 1MB)

Grafton-Cardwell - Annual citrus tristeza virus index at the University of California Lindcove Research & Extension Center (DOC, < 1MB)


Grafton Cardwell - Annual Citrus Tristeza Virus Index at the University of California Lindcove Research & Extension Center (PDF, < 1MB)

Lee - Development of Reliable Detection Methods for Phytoplasmas from Citrus and Insect Vectors for use in California Nurseries (PDF, < 1MB)

Roose - Citrus Rootstock Breeding and Evaluation (PDF, < 1MB)

Vidalakis - The Future of the Cooperative Registration Program of Nursery Owned Citrus Source Trees (PDF, 1 MB)


Byrne & Morse: Optimization of Imidacloprid Application Rates for the Management of ACP on Containerized Citrus (PDF, 1 MB)

Grafton-Cardwell: Annual Citrus Tristeza Virus Index at th eUniversity of California Lindcove Research & Extension Center (PDF, < 1MB)

Grafton-Cardwell: Citrus Leafminer Management Program for Nursery Citrus (PDF, < 1MB)

Krueger Lovatt: Good Bud, Bad Bud (PDF, < 1MB)

Lee: Development of Reliable Detection Methods for Phytoplasmas from Citrus and Insect Vectors for use in California Nurseries (PDF, < 1MB)

Roose: Citrus Rootstock Breeding and Evaluation (PDF, < 1MB)

Roose: Citrus Scion Breeding and Evaluation (PDF, < 1MB)

Vidalakis: Cooperative Registration Testing of Nursery Owned Citrus Scion and Seed Source Trees 2009-10 (PDF, < 1MB)

Vidalakis: The Future of the Cooperative Registration Program of Nursery Owned Citrus Source Trees (PDF, 1 MB)


Tracy Kahn Report: Extending Knowledge on Citrus Commercial Varieties and Related Citrus Germplasm (PDF, < 1MB)

Annual citrus tristeza virus index at the University of California Lindcove Research & Extension Center. (PDF, < 1MB)

Breeding of New Citrus Scion Varieties (PDF, < 1MB)

Comparison and validation of direct tissue print immunoassay using Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) monoclonal antibodies with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of CTV infections in citrus nurseries (PDF, < 1MB)

Optimization of imidacloprid application rates for the management of ACP on containerized citrus (PDF, < 1MB)

Citrus Leafminer Management Program for Nursery Citrus (PDF, < 1MB)

Georgios Final Report (PDF, < 1MB)

Krueger Report (PDF, 1 MB)

Development of reliable detection methods for Phytoplasmas from citrus and insect vectors for use in California nurseries (PDF, 1 MB)

Application of Real Time PCR for Detection of Spiroplasma citri In Citrus Nurseries and Budwood Trees (PDF, < 1MB)


Extending Knowledge on Citrus Commercial Varieties and Related Citrus Germplasm (PDF, 1 MB)

Cooperative Registration Testing of Nursery Owned Citrus Scion and Seed Source Trees (PDF, 829 KB)

Citrus Leafminer Management Program for Nursery Citrus (PDF, 609 KB)

Annual Citrus Tristeza Virus Index at the Lindcove Research & Extension Center (PDF, 388 KB)

Development of a Short and Efficient Synthesis of the Citrus Leafminer Pheromone Blend (PDF, 2 MB)

Breeding of New Citrus Scion Varieties (PDF, 733 KB)

Citrus Rootstock Breeding and Evaluation (PDF, 740 KB)

Application of Real Time PCR for the Detection of Spiroplasma citri in Citrus Nurseries and Budwood Trees (PDF, 988 KB)

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